Online Contextual LM (2018)

Finite State Transducers

FSTs or Finite State Transducers (or Automatons) are tool one can use for creating language models. They were especially popular in the era that pre-dated deep learning, (so before not only transformers were introduced, rather RNNs). FSTs are considered to be generative language models (LMs) since their outcome contains a graphical representation of all the strings found in that language, but no worries they can handle situations in which there is little data on particular patterns in the training (via backoff, for instance). Generally, these LMs can handle better low resourced data, compared to some deep learning approaches.

A little more

The context for this project revolves around the Brain-Computer interface project I took part in during my PhD, where we developed a language model to integrate to a speller system, assisting people with severe speech-language impairments communicate with their environment. The system has a rapid letter (symbol) display, such that once a patient recognizes their target symbol an EEG distribution over the step of symbols is transferred to the LM model. In turn, the model is required to disambiguate the word they are trying to spell. This means the most likely symbols from a given distribution remain, and are added to additional ones until a valid word is formed. Belowe there are two consecutive time slots demonstrating that.

This is this externally what is going on, internally the poster (as well as the paper on OCLM (Dudy et al., 2018)) explains how we arrive at those word paths employing FSTs and relying both on information from words as well as characters.

On the left and right time steps T and T+1 accordingly introducing the current evidence coming from EEG, the likely next char, and the likely next word being formed (# indicates space).

In the figure shown on the left, the next char is very likely to be i or y, forming tonight or gonna. On the right, on time step T+1 the system predicts space or a forming tony or tonya.

We had a followup where our system was compared to what then was the SOTA – LSTM – led by (Dong et al., 2019) to further evaluate hownoisy likelihoods effect prediction by different models.



  1. noise.png
    Noisy neural language modeling for typing prediction in BCI communication
    Rui Dong, David A Smith, Shiran Dudy, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies, 2019


  1. rr.png
    A multi-context character prediction model for a brain-computer interface
    Shiran Dudy, Steven Bedrick, Shaobin Xu, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the conference. Association for Computational Linguistics. North American Chapter, 2018